There is a new excitement in the Telangana BJP after Union Minister Amit Shah announced that the next chief minister of Telangana will be from the BC community if the BJP wins. Party leaders are celebrating this announcement. BJP national general secretary Bandi Sanjay Kumar praised the decision, stating that the party has a history of promoting diverse leadership and welfare for all. He criticized Chief Minister K Chandrasekhara Rao for suppressing democracy and highlighted the BJP’s efforts in fighting for various causes.
Kumar further pointed out that no previous political party in Andhra Pradesh or Telangana has given priority to BCs. There is no record of funds allocated to the BC Sub Plan, and no party has ever promised to make a BC the chief minister. He mentioned the BJP’s commitment to issues such as unemployment, employee rights, farmer welfare, and ST land rights. He also mentioned the BJP’s efforts in advocating for housing for the poor.
BJP MP and party OBC Morcha national president Dr K Laxman highlighted the BJP’s focus on social justice and empowerment of BCs. He praised Prime Minister Narendra Modi for appointing 27 OBCs as Union ministers. Laxman criticized the Congress and BRS for their lack of representation for BCs in ministerial positions.
He urged BCs to support the BJP in order to have a BC chief minister in Telangana.