The three-day ‘Open House’ programme hosted by the Vijayawada Police began on Saturday at the Armed Reserve (AR) Grounds. Students and youngsters participated in the event, which is part of the Police Martyrs’ celebrations until October 31, 2023.
Vijayawada Commissioner of Police, Kanthi Rana Tata, inaugurated the ‘Open House’ expo where weapons used by the police were displayed. This event is held every year on October 21 in memory of the martyrs who sacrificed their lives defending the nation on October 21, 1959, at the Indo-China Border. The main objective of the expo is to educate people about modern police weapons and cyber crimes.
During the three-day event, students and youngsters will have the opportunity to visit nearby police stations and learn about the duties of the police as well as the weapons used to combat extremists and Maoists. Kanthi Rana Tata showcased various arms like AK-47 machine guns, pistols, grenades, wireless sets, metal detectors, manpacks, and body-worn cameras to educate the participants about their functions.