Telangana Chief Minister KCR expressed confidence that the Bharata party will win the upcoming assembly elections and come to power. He had a meeting with BRS leaders of Gajwel constituency at a convention hall in Tumkunta. KCR stated that they will win 95 to 100 assembly seats and that Gajwel constituency will receive special attention every month. He aims to have multiple candidates in the constituency.
KCR acknowledged the development work done in Gajwel but stated that there is still more to be done. He expressed gratitude towards the people for their support and promised to visit Gajwel once a month. KCR believes that the people will decide on his majority in Gajwel.
The BRS chief also highlighted past struggles for Telangana and the government’s efforts to bring back displaced farmers to the villages and promote agricultural stabilization. Minister Harish Rao, Vonteru Prathap Reddy, Raghotham Reddy, and others also attended the meeting.