The Hyderabad Cricket Association (HCA) is currently conducting its elections at the Uppal International stadium under tight security. A total of 173 people will be voting until 3 PM, and the results will be announced at 6 PM.
As of now, 74 members have already cast their votes, including well-known cricketers such as Venkatapathy Raju, VVS Laxman, Shivalal Yadav, Mithali Raj, and Sravani Naidu. Even GHMC Commissioner Ronald Ross has exercised his right to vote.
The HCA elections have gained a political aspect, with supporters of the BRS and BJP parties participating. Jaganmohana Rao’s United Members of HCA panel claims to have government support, while Anil Kumar’s Good Governance Panel is backed by former HCA president Vivek, who is also a BJP leader.
Additionally, Shivalal Yadav is running in the election with his Cricket First Panel, and Amarnath is contesting for president on the Arshad Ayub panel.