In exciting news, a 10th standard student named Pathakala Ashwith from Paramita Karimnagar High School has been chosen to compete in the ‘67th State level volleyball under-17 boys category’ event. The principal of the school, Balaji, shared this information on Tuesday. The event, organized by the State Schools Sports Federation, will take place from October 19 to 21.
This is Ashwith’s second achievement as he recently won the best in the ‘under-17 boys category’ at a volleyball competition held at Zilla Parishad High School in Illanthakunta mandal center in Siricilla district, under the Joint Karimnagar District Schools Sports Association. He was also selected to represent the state in the volleyball competitions.
To celebrate this occasion, the head of Paramita Schools, Dr E Prasada Rao, congratulated Ashwith. The medal winners who qualified for the state level competition were also honored by the directors, principal, coordinators, PE teachers, and other teachers from Paramita Schools.