In a fast-changing political situation, Revuri Prakash Reddy, a prominent BJP leader in the former Warangal district and three-time former Narsampet MLA, has decided to join the Congress. The Congress high command has already confirmed Donti Madhava Reddy as the candidate for the Narsampet constituency. It is likely that Revuri will contest from the neighboring Parkal seat.
Revuri, who was previously a member of the Telugu Desam Party, joined the BJP on September 4, 2019. He has won the Narsampet seat three times – in 1994, 1999, and 2009. In 2018, he contested from the Warangal West constituency on the Telugu Desam ticket but lost. Since joining the BJP, he has been actively campaigning in the Narsampet constituency.
TPCC president A Revanth Reddy, along with senior leaders Tummala Nageswara Rao and Ponguleti Srinivas Reddy, held discussions with Revuri and convinced him to join the Congress. Revuri has agreed to their proposal to contest from Parkal.
Two senior Congress leaders, Konda Muralidhar Rao and E Venkatram Reddy, were also vying for the Parkal ticket. However, the Congress leadership is confident that they can persuade these leaders to support Revuri.
Revuri is set to join the Congress on October 18 during Rahul Gandhi’s visit to the Ramappa Temple, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, in Mulugu district. According to a close associate of Revuri, he is joining the Congress due to the declining popularity of the BJP. Although Revuri has strong connections with the people in the Parkal constituency, he still needs to familiarize himself with the Congress cadre.
It is worth mentioning that the ruling BRS party has renominated Challa Dharma Reddy as its candidate for the upcoming election.