The 5147th birth anniversary of Agrasen Maharaj was celebrated by Agarwal Samaj, Telangana. The event included cultural programmes and special prayers to Goddess Ganga, Lord Hanuman, and Lord Ganesh. The chief guests were Somesh Kumar and Tamilisai Soundararajan. During the event, organ donation awareness was highlighted. Several achievers of Agarwal Samaj were felicitated. Month-long cultural programmes were organized, including tournaments and exhibitions. Agra AkhandJyotRath Yatra was also organized. The chief advisor to CM, Telangana, praised the community and promised support for the construction of Agrasen University. The Governor of Telangana recognized the community’s contributions. The community aims to establish more branches and construct a guest house. The President of Agarwal Samaj discussed the community’s achievements and plans. Maharaja Agrasen Jayanti is celebrated to honor Maharaja Agrasen, a revered figure in the Agarwal community.
Grand celebration marks the 5147th birth anniversary of Agrasen Maharaj in Hyderabad
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