BJP MLA Eatala Rajender has announced that he will be running for two Assembly constituencies, Huzurabad and Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao’s Gajwel, in the upcoming State elections on November 30th. He made this announcement while speaking to the cadre in the Huzurabad Assembly constituency, seeking their support and blessings.
In the previous 2018 elections, Chief Minister KCR won from Gajwel. Recently, he also declared that he will be contesting from two places – Gajwel and Kamareddy Assembly constituency.
During a meeting with BJP workers in Huzurabad, which is located in Karimnagar district, Eatala Rajender mentioned that since he will be running for two seats, it is important for the BJP members to work hard and ensure his victory in Huzurabad. He acknowledged that the position he holds is because of the people of Huzurabad.