BJP Parliamentary Board member Dr K Laxman criticized Minister KT Rama Rao for using inappropriate language. According to Dr Laxman, KTR seems to believe that he can gain popularity by disrespecting people in higher positions. Dr Laxman also mentioned that KTR is frustrated because he missed the opportunity to become the CM due to his overambitious nature. The BJP is gaining popularity among the people, causing worry for the BRS government.
Dr Laxman questioned the credibility of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Union Minister Amit Shah, and KTR. He claimed that there is growing anti-incumbency in the state, which is giving a tough time to the BRS government. Dr Laxman accused the BRS government of hindering the state’s development by not cooperating with the Centre. He also criticized them for ridiculing the Gujarat Model after visiting Gujarat for study purposes.
Dr Laxman stated that elections in Telangana are influenced by liquor and money, and the Congress, BRS, and AIMIM are engaging in opportunist politics. The BJP will announce its candidate list on October 16 and will work towards giving equal opportunities to all sections of people in the state. They will also release their manifesto and a charge-sheet against the ruling party.