The battleground is ready for the upcoming elections in Hyderabad, and voters are busy deciding who to support. To understand the ground reality, Hans India spoke with women vendors in different parts of the city to get their perspective on the situation.
Many street vendors expressed their dissatisfaction with the administration’s failure to provide the promised assistance to make their profession safe and profitable. They mentioned that no identity cards were issued, which allowed authorities to impose heavy fines, collect bribes, or even remove their kiosks, affecting their livelihood. The authorities had promised to set up vending zones, but these promises were not fulfilled. The vendors stated that they would express their anger and protest during the polling.
It is important to note that out of the 1.65 lakh street vendors identified by GHMC, 20 to 30 percent are women. The state government claims that all registered vendors have been given identity cards, but the reality is that many vendors have not received them. Additionally, some vendors do not even have ration cards.
Surekha, a street vendor in Secunderabad, pointed out that the Street Vendor Act has not been fully implemented. Only a few vendors have benefited from the scheme, while the majority have been denied the benefits they were promised. Surekha emphasized the importance of voting for a party that addresses their problems.
Uma (name changed) expressed frustration with false promises from officials and leaders. She mentioned the lack of safety and security for street vendors and inadequate facilities at the vending zones. Uma also stated that street vendors are not eligible for welfare measures, including access to affordable housing.
Although the state government recently announced financial assistance of Rs 25,000 for street vendors, no vendor has received any financial help so far. Another women vendor expressed the importance of voting for a party that can instill confidence in resolving their issues.
In conclusion, the women vendors in Hyderabad are looking for political parties that will address their concerns and provide the support they need for their profession.