The Kisan Grameen Mela-2023 began in Karimnagar on Monday. The event was inaugurated by Mela convener P Sugunakar Rao, members of the Prime Minister’s MSP Committee, farmers’ leaders Pasha Patel, and chairman of Karimnagar Dairy, Binod Anand. Over 100 stalls were set up at the fair, showcasing advanced machinery, innovative inventions, and products from various companies. In a meeting during the event, Kisan Jagran president P Sugunakar Rao mentioned that previous governments had neglected agricultural exhibitions that aimed to inform farmers about new things.
Members of the Prime Minister’s MSP committee and farmer leaders, Pasha Patel, highlighted the global damage to the ecological balance caused by extreme weather conditions. He warned about the potential crop failure and danger to human survival due to heavy rains and droughts in our country. Patel suggested that extensive tree planting is the solution for environmental protection. Binod Anand, another member of the committee, emphasized that farmers should not solely focus on freebies but also contribute to helping others for the country’s economic progress. He praised Sugunakar Rao for organizing the fair to benefit the farmers of Karimnagar district.
KVK scientist Venkateswara Rao advised farmers not to limit themselves to growing crops but also explore related fields such as vegetables, fruits, and dairy. Scientist Lakshmi Narayana explained preventive measures for the pink bollworm on cotton crops.