Ramagundam Police Commissioner Rema Rajeshwari rewarded police officials and personnel who have shown merit in their work. She emphasized that all police should work under the control and supervision of the Election Commission during the upcoming elections.
In a crime review meeting, Rajeshwari discussed election preparations with other police officials. She presented rewards to inspectors, sub-inspectors, assistant sub-inspectors, head constables, and constables who have performed well in their roles over the past two months. Rajeshwari stressed the importance of following the rules set by the Election Commission to avoid any mistakes during the elections.
She advised police officers to have complete knowledge of all aspects related to the elections, including polling centers and security measures. It is essential for inspectors and sub-inspectors to visit polling stations in their respective constituencies. Clear guidelines should be followed regarding critical and vulnerable polling centers, and the transportation of election equipment should be carefully monitored. Additionally, measures should be taken to ensure infrastructure and security at the polling stations, as well as vigilance against illegal substances like liquor and drugs.
Rajeshwari also instructed police stations to create a list of individuals involved in illegal activities such as smuggling, storing, selling, and consuming drugs. Collaboration with other government departments, particularly the excise department, is crucial for conducting joint raids.