Madhumalancha High School in Nizamabad is facing a problem with teacher transfers, which could lead to it no longer being an English medium school. The school was founded in 1958 and initially served the children of workers in the sugar industry. It later became a comprehensive institution offering education in English from primary to degree level. After the sugar industry was privatized in 2002, the school merged with the government but continued as an English medium school. However, during recent teacher transfers, the school was classified as Telugu medium, causing confusion and concern in the community. This change was apparently made to accommodate a teacher’s request, resulting in four key subject teachers being transferred without replacements. This has put the school and its students at risk, as it is the only government-run English medium school in the district. Local authorities have reported the issue to the Regional Joint Director to emphasize the school’s English medium status. Education officials are worried that switching to Telugu medium instruction could harm the students’ education. Although a court case has temporarily halted the proceedings, it is important to resolve these mistakes to secure the future of Madhumalancha High School and the quality of education it provides.
Telugu Adopted as Medium of Instruction for Transfers
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