The Opposition strongly condemns a shocking incident in Manipur. A disturbing video has surfaced on social media, showing a tribal man’s body being set on fire in a trench. The police are investigating the case, as the video seems to be from early May. The Indian National Developmental Inclusive Alliance (INDIA) expressed deep sadness and shame over the incident.
The INDIA shared a message on social media, lamenting the incident and expressing frustration with the government’s response. They highlighted that while Prime Minister Modi is expressing sorrow about neighboring countries, he failed to save Manipur.
The horrifying video circulated widely on WhatsApp groups in Manipur. It shows a man lying in a trench, wearing a black T-shirt and camouflage trousers. His face seems to have been brutally injured, and his body is engulfed in flames.
Priyanka Chaturvedi, an MP from the Shiv Sena party and a partner of the INDIA bloc, also reacted to the incident. She described it as yet another horrific video emerging from Manipur and emphasized the ongoing tragedy.