The Hyderabad city police are preparing for the upcoming ICC World Cup 2023 matches that will be held in the city. They are focused on ensuring effective security and mob control, as well as coordinating the movement of teams. Around 1,500 personnel from various police departments will be deployed, along with a riot control force on standby duty.
The matches will be held on Friday, Monday, and Tuesday at the Rajiv Gandhi International Cricket Stadium. The first match will be between Pakistan and Netherlands, followed by New Zealand and Netherlands, and then Pakistan versus Sri Lanka.
To ensure the safety of spectators and teams, the police have installed 360 CCTV cameras in and around the stadium. These cameras will closely monitor all activities, and any unsocial behavior will be dealt with strictly.
A joint command and control room has been set up at the stadium to monitor surveillance footage and take immediate action if necessary. Anti-sabotage checks are being conducted round-the-clock with the help of bomb detection teams. The police commissioner emphasized that people should enjoy the matches with a sporting spirit and showcase the hospitality of Hyderabad.
Separate teams are being deployed to check the movements of anti-social elements, and mobile phone technicians will be stationed at each gate to check spectators’ phones. Vigilance teams are also in place to control vendors and ensure they follow prescribed rates.
Certain items such as laptops, banners, water bottles, cameras, cigarettes, electronic items, matchboxes, lighters, sharp metals or plastic objects, binoculars, coins, writing pens, batteries, helmets, perfumes, bags, and outside eatables will not be allowed inside the stadium.
To prevent eve-teasing, SHE teams/Anti-Eve-Teasing teams will be deployed in and around the stadium. Measures are also being taken to prevent fraud by vendors outside the stadium. Adequate signboards have been placed for viewers to easily find their way to the stadium, and parking vehicles on the main road is not allowed. Additionally, seven ambulances will be available for immediate medical care.