Union Minister and State BJP chief G Kishan Reddy has criticized the government of Telangana, stating that the state has been subjected to injustice for the past 10 years due to the inefficiency and neglect of BRS and Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao. Reddy addressed the media after a State office-bearers’ meeting and alleged that STs have been let down by not receiving reservations in proportion to their population. He also highlighted the delay in setting up a tribal university, with the government failing to acquire the necessary land. Despite the Centre clearing the project, 50 more acres are still awaiting clearance.
Reddy mentioned that the Centre has written nine letters to the government regarding land allotment for the university, but the government has blamed the Centre for the delay. He pointed out that work on a tribal university in Andhra Pradesh has already begun. Reddy criticized the Kalavakuntla family, without mentioning KTR by name, stating that they are peddling lies and making inappropriate remarks against the Prime Minister. He further criticized the BRS government for making false promises and failing to deliver on assurances to the people.
Reddy also mentioned that Prime Minister Modi has not assured the setting up of a Bayyaram steel factory, as reports from official committees indicate its non-feasibility. The KCR government had promised the steel factory without any help from the Centre during the 2018 elections, but they have failed to deliver. Reddy accused the BRS leaders of running false propaganda against the Centre.
Regarding the Krishna water sharing issue between Telugu states, Reddy welcomed the Union Cabinet’s decision to refer it to a tribunal. He criticized the KCR government for acting irresponsibly regarding water, funds, and jobs, which were the main objectives of the Telangana struggle. He urged the government to effectively present its arguments before the tribunal for Telangana to receive its fair share of Krishna waters.
In addition, Reddy criticized the government for the escalating cost of the Palamuru-Rangareddy project, which has burdened the people with an additional Rs 15,000 crore due to the inefficiency of KCR.