The Election Commission of India is holding a meeting in Madhapur on Thursday. However, the traffic police have warned the city residents about heavy traffic congestion in the surrounding areas. The meeting will take place at Tech Mahindra, and the traffic restrictions will be in force in the nearby areas.
To help manage the traffic, the Cyberabad Traffic Police has issued instructions to private companies located between Lemon Tree Hotel and CII, as well as from Cable Bridge to Ikea Rotary and from Rotary-Cyber Towers to Kottaguda-Hitex.
The traffic police have specifically warned about heavy traffic at Lemon Tree Junction-Phoenix, Arena Road-Tech Mahindra Road-CII Junction. Additionally, there will be heavy traffic from Ikea Rotary-Lemon Tree Junction-Cyber Tower Junction and Cable Bridge Junction-Seagate Junction-Ikea Rotary. Another area with heavy traffic will be Kothaguda Junction to Cyber Tower Junction.