The Agra AkhandJyotRath Yatra organized by the Agarwal Samaj-Telangana has reached several districts. The yatra is being held to celebrate the 5147th Agrasen Jayanti, and various cultural, literary, and mythological programs are being organized by different AS branches. The rath yatra started on October 1 and reached Bellampalli on Tuesday. The committee members of Bellampalli and Kagaznagar gave the rath a warm welcome. People from all sections of Marwari society, including youth, women, and seniors, worshiped Maharaj Agrasen and enjoyed the yatra. The branches made arrangements for prasad and food. The yatra then proceeded to Mancherial, where the chariot was welcomed by the community members at the under construction Agarwal Bhawan in Warangal.
Telangana Witnesses Agra Akhand JyotRath Yatra Across Multiple Districts
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