The Odisha government has approved 19 investment projects worth Rs 3,663 crore. These projects were approved during a meeting of the State Level Single Window Clearance Authority. The projects are expected to create jobs for over 13,500 people.
One of the projects is by the EPIC Group, a Hong Kong-based apparel manufacturer. Their subsidiary, Trimetro Garments India Private Limited, plans to invest Rs 376.85 crore to establish an apparel manufacturing facility in Khurda district.
The government has also approved proposals from several steel companies including Nezone Steel Utkal LLP, Advance Steel Tubes Limited, Nirmal Steels Private Limited, Rungta Mines Limited, Ferro Tech India Private Limited, and Super Sonic Logistics Private Limited. These companies plan to invest over Rs 2,000 crore in regions like Kalinganagar, Dhenkanal, and Sundargarh.
In the renewable energy sector, Mahanadi Coalfields Limited and Odisha Power Generation Corporation Limited have proposed to set up solar power plants with investments of Rs 297.61 crore and Rs 215 crore respectively.
Time Technoplast Limited and Oricon Enterprise Limited have received approval to set up their manufacturing units in Khurda with investments of Rs 57 crore and Rs 90 crore respectively.
Infrastructure projects by Koli Commercial LLP and Vimla Infrastructure (India) Private Limited, which aim to set up private freight terminals under the Gati Shakti Multi-Modal Terminal scheme, were also approved.