Prime Minister Narendra Modi has laid the foundation stone for multiple development projects in Mahaboob Nagar district. These projects are worth 13,500 crore rupees and have been dedicated to the nation. They include important sectors such as road, rail, petroleum, natural gas, and higher education.
During the event, PM Modi emphasized the arrival of the festive season and mentioned the passing of the Nari Shakti Vandan Adhiniyam in parliament, which celebrates the spirit of Shakti Puja before Navaratri. He expressed his happiness in laying the foundation stone for rail and road connectivity projects, which will greatly improve the lives of people in the region.
PM Modi also highlighted the importance of rail and road connectivity for a landlocked state like Telangana. These connections are necessary for transporting goods manufactured in the state to ports. The ongoing construction of the railway line between Krishna and Jaklair is particularly significant for the people.