The Kaloji Narayana Rao University of Health Sciences (KNRUHS) in Warangal has cancelled the admissions of seven Andhra Pradesh students who used fake nativity certificates to secure MBBS/BDS seats. These students uploaded fake study certificates during online registration, claiming to be eligible for the local quota. The incident was discovered on Saturday when a case was registered by the Matwada police following a complaint from the KNRUHS Registrar Dr S Sandhya.
The police have filed a case against consultant Kamireddy Nageshwar Rao, based in Vijayawada, and the students involved – Populu Subramanyasai Teja, Vanipenta Sai Preethika Reddy, Tammineni Vishnuteja Reddy, Tanniru Sanjay, Arikatla Hanuman Reddy, Tekulapally Mahesh, and Garle Bhargav Dharmateja Yashwanth Naidu. They have been charged under various sections of the Indian Penal Code.
The university authorities detected the fraud during the verification of original certificates. It was discovered that these students had submitted fake certificates claiming to have studied in Telangana from Class VI to Class IX. The police have interrogated two students so far and are searching for the consultant.
The Matwada Station House Officer, Venkateshwarlu, confirmed that cases have been registered against the students and their consultant. The police believe that the consultant misled the students, while the university officials suspect that the students were aware of the category they applied under.
Two teams have been formed to investigate the use of fake certificates. Bonala Kishan, Assistant Commissioner of Police in Warangal, stated that for now, the students are being treated as victims. The role of Nageshwar Rao will be determined once he is arrested.