BRS senior leader and Malkajgiri MLA Mynampally Hanumanth Rao and his son M Rohit have joined the Congress party. The joining ceremony took place in Delhi and was attended by AICC president Mallikarjun Kharge. BRS former MLA M Vemula Veeresham from Nakrekal and former district Congress president Kumbam Anil Kumar Reddy, who had switched to BRS on July 24, also rejoined the Congress party. AICC Telangana affairs in charge Manikrao Thakre, TPCC chief ARevanth Reddy, and several other party leaders were present at the event. The Congress high command has agreed to Hanumantha Rao’s request for two party tickets, one for his son to contest from Medak and one for himself to contest from Malkajgiri. Veerasham was hoping to contest from Nakrekal Assembly constituency in the upcoming Assembly elections.
Mynampally Hanumanth Rao and his son M Rohit join Congress in Delhi from Hyderabad
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