Before the Assembly elections, BRS supremo K Chandrashekhar Rao, also known as KCR, sent his son KT Rama Rao (KTR) and Finance Minister T Harish Rao to visit different districts. Their purpose was to understand the political situation and launch development programs. They wanted to gather feedback from local leaders about the chances of winning and the challenges faced by the party in retaining power for a third consecutive term.
Harish Rao had already participated in development programs in several districts and addressed public meetings. He inaugurated a medical college in Mulugu district and announced additional benefits for the districts to address people’s grievances.
KTR frequently visited the old Karimnagar district and attended development program launches with local legislators and senior BRS leaders. He also visited Rajanna Sircilla district and reviewed recent political developments. His visit to Wanaparthy district was important due to reports of the Congress party gaining strength in the old Mahbubnagar district.
During their visits, KTR and Harish interacted with local leaders to gather information about the chances of winning for MLAs. The feedback from local leaders will be carefully analyzed, and necessary measures will be taken to address any issues identified.
KCR plans to rectify political issues by meeting MLAs and other groups in specific constituencies where group politics could negatively impact the elections. KTR is also taking steps to convince disgruntled BRS leaders by offering them important positions after the elections. He is actively working to resolve any internal party issues in each district and prevent any threats of rebellion from candidates before the election season begins.
In the near future, KTR will hold meetings specific to each constituency to address any pending issues related to the party or local development programs.