Two boys died in two separate incidents during the Ganesh immersion procession in Hyderabad. The first incident happened near Sanjeevaiah Park by Hussain Sagar lake. A boy fell off a truck carrying an idol for immersion and was run over by the same vehicle, resulting in his death. The deceased boy was identified as Praneet Kumar from Kishan Bagh area.
In the second incident, a four-year-old boy named Ayush fell off a two-wheeler near Basheerbagh flyover. Ayush, along with his parents, was on their way to Hussain Sagar lake for immersion. Ayush’s father lost control of the motorbike, causing all three to fall down. Unfortunately, another vehicle ran over Ayush, causing severe injuries. He was taken to Niloufer Hospital but did not survive.
Rajasekhar, Ayush’s father, is from Bellampalli and was living with his family at Press Colony in Santoshnagar.