State Transport Minister Puvvada Ajay Kumar spoke at a ceremony in Pindiprolu village, Tirumalayapalem mandal, Paleru constituency, reaffirming the government’s commitment to comprehensive district development. The event included the inauguration of important projects and the start of others, showing the government’s dedication to progress.
The spotlight was on a newly constructed 33/11 KV sub-station and the Gram Panchayat building. The foundation stone for the Chilakkoyalapadu-Seerodu road was also laid, promising improved connectivity.
Minister Kumar praised the state’s significant growth in power generation. He mentioned that since Telangana’s formation, electricity production had increased from 7,770 megawatts to an impressive 18,000 megawatts, with plans to reach 25,000 megawatts soon. He emphasized the government’s commitment to providing farmers with 24-hour free electricity and celebrated the completion of various projects.
Members of Parliament Nama Nageswara Rao and Vaddiraju Ravichandra spoke about the challenges faced by the residents of Tirumalayapalem Mandal before Telangana’s formation, particularly regarding access to water. They noted the improvements over the past decade, leading to increased opportunities and migration to the region.
MLC Tatha Madhusudan acknowledged the transformation in the area’s agriculture, from dependence on scarce water sources to thriving production, now competing with the neighboring Andhra region.
Paleru MLA Kandala Upender Reddy assured that ongoing road projects would be completed by March and April, significantly improving infrastructure in the area. He expressed satisfaction with the government’s actions in resolving issues and mentioned the successful installation of a tunnel that prevented land acquisition under the canal project.
Various dignitaries attended the event, including DCMS Chairman Rayala Seshagiri Rao, Rythubandhu District President Nallamala Venkateswara Rao, R&B SE Laxman, Power Department SE Surender, PREE KVK Srinivas, Thirumalayapalem MPP Mangilal, Pindiprolu Gram Sarpanch Nama Prasad, MPTC Venkatesh, officials, public representatives, and others. This highlighted the government’s unwavering commitment to the region’s progress.