Despite heavy rain and a red alert from the weather office, devotees are excited to take part in the Ganesh Shobha Yatra in Hyderabad. Over one lakh idols will be immersed across the state, with more than 20,000 idols being immersed in Hussainsagar alone. To ensure a smooth and fast procession, the 63-feet Khairtabad Bada Ganesh will lead the immersion program, followed by Balapur Ganesh from another part of the city.
The administration has made elaborate arrangements for the smooth immersion of idols in Hussainsagar and other lakes in the city. The Shobha Yatra of Khairtabad’s Bada Ganesh will start at 9 am and finish by 1.30 pm. Various departments and organizations have deployed personnel and machinery to ensure a seamless procession.
The Balapur Ganesh pandal is the oldest in Hyderabad and covers a distance of 19 km from Balapur to Hussainsagar. Processions from nearby areas will join the main procession of Balapur. This year marks the 30th year of the auction for Balapur’s famous laddu, which has gained popularity over the years.
Authorities have set up immersion platforms, cranes, and ponds at various locations in the city to facilitate idol immersion. Sanitation workers are also deployed to remove idols from water bodies after immersion. The Municipal Corporation is closely monitoring the situation and taking necessary steps to prevent inconvenience to devotees.
The city police have deployed a large number of personnel, including staff from other districts and paramilitary forces, to ensure the smooth conduct of the Shobha Yatra. The force deployment includes additional staff, platoons, drone teams, and other resources.
Overall, despite the rain and weather warnings, preparations are in place to make the Ganesh Shobha Yatra a successful and enjoyable event for devotees.