In Hyderabad, a Pakistani man was arrested after his father-in-law called the police and told them where he was. The man, Fayaz Mohammad, went to Sharjah for work and married a woman named Neha Fatima. Neha got sick and came back to Hyderabad, where she gave birth to their son.
Neha’s father, Zubesh Sheikh, believed that his son-in-law was wealthy and planned to steal his money. He got a Nepalese visa for Fayaz because getting an Indian visa would take too long. Zubesh, his wife Afzal Begum, and Neha all went to Nepal and then entered India, eventually reaching Hyderabad by train.
Once in Hyderabad, Zubesh tried to get an Aadhaar card for Fayaz. In the meantime, he let Fayaz stay at their home. Zubesh paid for a birth certificate in the name of his brother-in-law Mohammad Ghaus, hoping to use it to get an Aadhaar card for Fayaz. He then applied for the card at a center in Madhapur.
However, when Zubesh ran out of money, he decided to get rid of Fayaz. He called the task force and gave them information about Fayaz’s location. The police were able to find and arrest both Fayaz and his in-laws.