In Rangareddy, MLA Anjaiah Yadav unveiled the statue of Telangana activist Sri Konda Laxman Bapuji. The ceremony took place in front of the MPDO office in Shadnagar, Rangareddy district, organized by the Padmasali Sangam.
Many members of the Padmashali community attended the event. Anjaiah Yadav praised Sri Konda Laxman Bapuji for his significant role in the early stages of the Telangana movement. He recognized Bapuji’s brave efforts against the Nizam government and the Rajakars during the movement.
Anjaiah Yadav expressed his appreciation for the initiative and assured the Padmashali community of the Telangana government’s support. He promised to allocate funds for the construction of community facilities and provide comprehensive assistance to the community.
Various dignitaries including Municipal Commissioner Venkanna, Municipal Chairman Narender, Vice Chairman Nataraj, Co-option member Kishore, and leaders from the Padmasali Sangam were present at the ceremony.