Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao has announced a special gift for coal workers in the State. The Chief Minister has decided to give 32% of the profits of the Singareni Collieries Company Limited as a bonus to the coal workers. This is the largest gift ever given by the company to its workers.
The Chief Minister’s office has issued orders to Chief Secretary A Santhi Kumari to ensure that 32% of the profit earned by SCCL (after tax) is paid as a special incentive to the employees for the financial year 2022-23.
Following the announcement, coal workers across the 11 areas of the company in the State have started celebrating.
K Kavitha, honorary president of BRS MLC Telangana Boggu Ghani Karmika Sangham (TBGKS), has expressed gratitude to the Chief Minister on behalf of the coal workers. She mentioned that the CM has been increasing the share of profits given to the workers every year and is working for their welfare.
Last week, the Singareni management deposited Rs1450 crore as the 11th Wage Board dues to Singareni workers.