Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao mentioned that the people of Telangana State celebrated Ganesh Navaratri with great enthusiasm. Special pujas were performed at all Ganesh pandals, filling every street with fervour. The State Government made extensive arrangements for Ganesh idol immersion, including in Hyderabad, expecting a large number of devotees to participate in the grand programme.
KCR advised devotees and people to take proper precautions due to the rainy weather and to participate in the immersion with joy while ensuring their safety when returning home. He also highlighted that it is a coincidence that Ganesh idol immersion and Milad-Un-Nabi are being celebrated on the same day, and encouraged people to spread the message of “Ganga Jamuni Tahzeeb” – a cultural harmony practiced in Telangana for many years – and celebrate the festivals with enthusiasm.