Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao of Hyderabad has been suffering from viral fever and cold. He is currently receiving treatment at his official residence, Pragati Bhavan. The CM’s health condition is being closely monitored by specialized doctors. They have advised him to rest more, and they believe he will recover from the fever soon.
BRS working President and Industry Minister KT Rama Rao reassured the public that there is no need to panic. The doctors have assured them that the CM will be cured of the fever shortly. KTR, using social media platform X, shared an update on KCR’s health condition. He mentioned that KCR is receiving treatment at home from his medical team and is being closely monitored. According to the doctors, KCR should be able to return to normal in a few days.
In a tweet, KTR reiterated that CM KCR has been suffering from viral fever and cough for the past week and is being treated at home. He expressed confidence that KCR will be able to recover and return to normalcy soon.
Overall, the CM’s health condition is being closely monitored by doctors, and everyone remains optimistic about his recovery.