The Hyderabad city police are taking measures to maintain peace during two important festivals, Anant Chaturdashi and Milad-un-Nabi. They have increased security to prevent any incidents and ensure law and order in Hyderabad. Over 25,000 policemen, three RAF contingents, and 125 platoons have been deployed.
The police are preparing for the Ganesh idol procession and immersion, which will take place in 48 hours. The Police Commissioner CV Anand and other officials carried out a route inspection from Balapur Ganesh temple to Tank Bund, covering a 19 km procession route. Important locations such as Chandrayanagutta, Charminar, Nayapul, MJ Market, Telugu Talli Flyover, Secretariat, and People’s Plaza were included in the inspection.
Additional staff from districts and allied branches will be deployed along with city police personnel, making the force 25,694 strong with 125 platoons. Shift duties for officers have been planned at 18 important junctions, and five drone teams will be deployed. CCTV coverage has been improved on the main routes and repairs have been done.
Various roads in the city will be closed or have traffic diversions due to the procession. Quick Response Teams, dog squads, anti-chain snatching teams, and SHE Teams will also be deployed. The joint command control center with senior officers from various departments will be operational from September 28.
During the inspection, the commissioner instructed zonal DCPs to collaborate, especially at MJ Market where the processions converge. Senior officers were assigned to oversee critical junctions and provide guidance to subordinates. Clear signage for vehicles carrying idols was emphasized by the commissioner.
The inspection concluded at People’s Plaza where logistics and deployment plans were reviewed for managing crowds around Hussainsagar. The public is urged to cooperate with law enforcement officials and follow safety guidelines for a memorable and incident-free celebration.