Tribal Minister Satyavathi Rathod visited Mulugu district to inspect the preparations for the upcoming visit of Finance and Health Minister T Harish Rao on September 28. During his visit, Harish Rao will be laying the foundation stone for the construction of the Medical College building near R&B Guest House. He will also be launching several development programs in Mulugu district.
Later, Minister Rathod inspected the venue for a large public meeting that will take place at Bandarupally Road Tangadi ground. She provided suggestions to the officials regarding the arrangements for the meeting.
Several important officials were present during the inspection, including District Collector Ila Tripathi, SP Gaus Alam, ZP Chairperson Badenaga Jyoti, and Rythu District Coordinating Committee President Palla Butchaiah. Other officials who attended the inspection included RDO Satyapal Reddy, MPP Gandrakota Sridevi, ZPTC Haribabu, DPO Venkaiah, Collectorate AO Prasad, and Mulugu Tehsildar Vijaya Bhaskar.