A 79-year-old woman was found dead in her home in Jia Sarai, southwest Delhi. The police reported that she had a neck injury. The incident began on Sunday at around 11 pm when the Kishangarh police station received a call. When the police arrived, they found the woman’s lifeless body in a pool of blood with a deep wound on her neck.
It was discovered that a local woman named Mamta, who ran a small kitchen catering to students, regularly provided meals to the victim. On that Sunday, Mamta arrived to deliver food but found the lights off. She asked for help from someone on the second floor, and together they found the woman dead in her room. The police have determined that there were no signs of robbery or burglary.
The woman’s body was taken to Safdarjung Hospital for a post-mortem examination, and the crime scene was thoroughly examined by forensic experts. A case of murder has been registered under Section 302 of the Indian Penal Code at Kishangarh police station. An ongoing investigation is being conducted to uncover more details about this tragic incident.