Karimnagar: The Vinayaka Chavithi festival, which is celebrated with great enthusiasm across the country, received its first poojas from Bhaktakoti on Monday. Devotees and Ganesh Utsava Committees in Karimnagar are excitedly planning to organize Vinayaka Navaratri celebrations in the entire district. They have set up huge idols for sale in different forms, and the youth and residents of the colonies are enthusiastically decorating their homes with Lord Ganesha idols.
Pavilions are being set up in the streets to honor the Ganesha idols, and the mandapams are beautifully decorated with canopies and shamianas. The nights are illuminated with colorful lights. The youth and Bhakta Mandals are eager to install more idols, and artisans have handcrafted Vigneshwara idols in over 80 designs. Small idol halls have also been set up in the market.
There are more than 2200 mandapams built throughout the district. In the past, these mandapams were run with donations and the assistance of residents. However, this time, due to the election season, hopeful leaders and activists are generously donating large amounts to the Ganesh Utsava Committees. The mandapams have already been set up in the streets and locations in preparation for the start of festivities on Monday. Sales of clay and plaster of Paris idols have seen a significant increase in Peddapalli, Jagitial, Rajanna Siricilla, and Karimnagar districts.
In Karimnagar, Tower Circle, Boyawada Ravichettu, Gandhi Road Ganj area, and other places have beautifully designed mandapals in various shapes for Navratri. Huge Ganeshas are worshipped in these areas. In Peddapalli district, where many Marwadi families live and Sircilla textile workers reside, arrangements are being made to collect donations on behalf of their respective communities.