Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao is being criticized by BJP Hanumakonda district president Rao Padma for not considering the sentiments of the people. Padma accused KCR of prioritizing votes and seats over the concerns of the people. She highlighted the significance of September 17, 1948, when the Princely State of Hyderabad merged with the Indian Union, marking an important moment in Telangana’s history. Padma paid tribute to those who fought against the oppressive Nizam forces, particularly mentioning the villages of Gundrampally, Bairanpally, and Parkal that experienced atrocities under the Razakars. She pointed out that although KCR had previously demanded the official celebration of Telangana Liberation Day, he has remained silent on the matter since coming into power. In contrast, the BJP has consistently advocated for the commemoration of Liberation Day on September 17.
Padma emphasized that the BJP plans to construct Amaraveerula Smriti Vanams in honor of those who bravely fought against the Nizam government. She criticized KCR for saying one thing and doing another, urging him to understand the sentiments of the people. Padma also mentioned the recent Huzurabad by-election, stating that it demonstrated how money and liquor cases do not determine election outcomes. According to her, the people have already decided to remove the KCR Government from power.
In a separate event, BJP leaders raised the national flag to celebrate Telangana Liberation Day. Rao Padma also visited the historic Bhadrakali Temple to offer prayers on Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s birthday. Several other leaders were present at these events, including Ravula Kishan, G Satyanarayana Rao, Desini Sadanandam Goud, Ravula Komala, Pasikanti Rajendra Prasad, D Amarnath Reddy, J Narsinga Rao, Challa Jaipal Reddy, Kandagatla Satyanarayana, and Sarangapani.