Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao expressed his pride in the progress and development of Mahabubnagar and Ranga Reddy districts. He was speaking at a public meeting in Kolhapur after the launch of the Palamuru-Ranga Reddy lift scheme. He called it a historic day and highlighted the transformation of Palamuru people, who were once laborers in Hyderabad but are now attracting laborers from neighboring states to work in their fields.
KCR also talked about the importance of the formation of Telangana state for the welfare of the poor in the district. He mentioned that their efforts led to the realization of their rights and the availability of water resources. KCR also mentioned the three major irrigation projects undertaken by the government: Kaleswaram, Sitarama, and Palamuru lifts, which will contribute to rice production in the country.
However, KCR acknowledged the challenges faced during the implementation of these projects, especially in Mahabubnagar. He criticized certain political leaders who opposed and obstructed the Palamuru-Rangareddy lift irrigation project.