Telangana State BJP president Kishan Reddy has ended his hunger strike after being offered lemon juice by senior BJP leader Prakash Javadekar. Reddy had started the 24-hour hunger strike on Wednesday morning at Indira Park in Hyderabad, accusing the state government of neglecting unemployed citizens during its nine-year rule.
However, the police intervened and disbanded the protest on Wednesday evening due to time constraints. This led to a confrontation between the police and BJP workers, and Reddy fell down when he was taken into custody. He was later transported to the BJP office in Nampally.
The BJP’s protest against unemployment issues has caused tension in Telangana. The initiation by Kishan Reddy, who is both Telangana BJP chief and Union Minister, was disrupted by the police near Indira Park. Reddy has continued his protest at the party office.
It has been reported that Amit Shah called Reddy to inquire about the entire situation and the arrests made by the police. In response, the Telangana BJP is planning protests in district and mandal centers on Thursday. The BJP has also called for a bandh (shutdown) in opposition to the Telangana government.
Reddy’s 24-hour fast at Indira Park’s Dharna Chowk created tension as he accused the KCR government of betraying unemployed citizens over the past nine years. The police advised Reddy that his protest was allowed until 6 pm on Wednesday and he should leave the protest site immediately.
During his detention by the police, Reddy sustained minor injuries to his hands and chest. He fell unconscious, prompting doctors to recommend an X-ray for his chest wound. After Reddy collapsed, Amit Shah had a conversation with him.
Shah expressed his anger over the disruption of the peaceful protest by a large number of activists who gathered at the BJP party office to show their support for Reddy, who is continuing his campaign.
It appears that Reddy will undergo medical tests at the hospital after completing his 24-hour protest.