The G20 New Delhi Leaders’ Declaration has set a 12-point commitment for a better future for the world as a global forum. The declaration states that as leaders of the G20, the premier global forum for international economic cooperation, they will act in concrete ways through partnerships. The global forum is committed to several things:
A. Accelerating strong, sustainable, balanced, and inclusive growth.
B. Accelerating the full and effective implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
C. Pursuing low-GHG/low-carbon emissions, climate-resilient, and environmentally sustainable development pathways. This includes addressing development and climate challenges, promoting Lifestyles for Sustainable Development (LiFE), and conserving biodiversity, forests, and oceans.
D. Improving access to medical countermeasures and facilitating more supplies and production capacities in developing countries to better prepare for future health emergencies.
E. Promoting resilient growth by urgently and effectively addressing debt vulnerabilities in developing countries. Also, scaling up financing from all sources to accelerate progress on SDGs.
F. Accelerating efforts and enhancing resources towards achieving the Paris Agreement, including its temperature goal.
G. Pursuing reforms for better, bigger, and more effective Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) to address global challenges and maximize developmental impact.
H. Improving access to digital services and digital public infrastructure, and leveraging digital transformation opportunities to boost sustainable and inclusive growth.
I. Promoting sustainable, quality, healthy, safe, and gainful employment.
J. Closing gender gaps and promoting the full, equal, effective, and meaningful participation of women in the economy as decision-makers.
K. Better integrating the perspectives of developing countries, including LDCs, LLDCs, and SIDS, into the future G20 agenda and strengthening the voice of developing countries in global decision-making.
These commitments aim to create a better future for the world through various actions and partnerships.