Mulugu District Collector Ila Tripathi recently conducted a three-way video conference to address the issue of duplicate photos in the voter list. The conference involved the District mandals and Gangaram and Kothaguda Election Officers.
During the conference, Collector Ila Tripathi instructed the clusters in the district to carefully examine the voter lists for any entries with similar photos. They were asked to provide a checklist with remarks to the BLOs (Booth Level Officers) and prepare a report through a house-to-house survey.
If it is found that the same person is registered in multiple polling stations, the voter should be kept in only one polling station and removed from the others based on their preference. This process must be completed by tomorrow evening (Saturday). The officials were also instructed to ensure that any changes made in the recently issued SSR (Summary Revision of Electoral Rolls) are implemented correctly.
The video conference was attended by Additional Collector in-charge D. S. Venkanna, RDO K. Satya Pal Reddy, Election d. T. Vijay Kumar, EDM Devender, and other officials.