Karimnagar artists, known for their silver filigree art, will now have the opportunity to showcase their skills at the G20 meetings. The badges made by Karimnagar artisans will be worn by representatives of the G20 countries. The Telangana Handicrafts department awarded the Karimnagar filigree art with this rare honor.
Silver filigree art is a rare form of art mastered by only a few people in the country. Despite its rarity, Karimnagar artisans have continued to display this inherited art form. They previously had the chance to showcase their art when Ivanka Trump visited Hyderabad.
On the occasion of the upcoming summit in New Delhi, the Central government has set up special stalls to exhibit rare and artistic works from across the country. Karimnagar silver filigree artist, Gadde Ashok Kumar, has been given the opportunity to set up a stall where the masterpieces of Karimnagar filigree artisans will be displayed. This exposure is expected to bring recognition to India’s rarest art among the G20 countries.
Ashok Kumar mentioned that he had received 200 pieces of badges to showcase during these three months. Additionally, a stall has been set up for G20 country leaders to visit and explore the various art forms created by Karimnagar filigree artists.