The Municipal Administration Minister, KT Rama Rao, announced that 13,300 double bedroom houses will be given to beneficiaries in Hyderabad starting from September 21. In the first phase, 11,700 houses were already distributed and now the government is preparing to distribute more houses in the second phase.
KT Rama Rao mentioned that Telangana takes pride in this housing scheme as it is unmatched across the country. The government is providing double bedroom houses of 560 square ft for free to underprivileged citizens in Hyderabad, which is worth about Rs 50 lakh each.
The total cost of constructing one lakh double bedroom houses in Hyderabad is Rs 9,100 crore, but their market value is more than Rs 50,000 crore. KT Rama Rao appreciated the GHMC officials for their hard work and commitment to this project.
He emphasized that the allocation of these houses is done transparently through computer-based draws in the presence of the media. MLAs and public representatives have no influence in the process. Any irregularities will be strongly dealt with, and the concerned authorities are held accountable.
The ‘Gruhalakshmi’ scheme will be introduced soon based on suggestions from ministers and potential changes for the GHMC area are being considered by the Chief Minister. Detailed guidelines regarding notary properties in the city will also be released soon.
KT Rama Rao mentioned that the regularisation of house plots under GO 58 and 59 has provided relief to people in the city. The government is also working to clear encroachments on the Musi bank and provide double bedroom houses to the poor living in those areas.
Overall, the welfare schemes introduced by the government, such as double bedroom houses, regularisation of plots, and notary assets, have benefited around 15,000-20,000 people in each Assembly segment.