BJP Rajya Sabha member Dr K Laxman criticized Udayanidhi Stalin’s comments on Sanatana Dharma. He questioned why Telangana CM KCR, who claims to be the biggest Hindu, is not addressing these attacks on Sanatana Dharma. Laxman emphasized that it is important to respond to those who attack Sanatana Dharma through votes.
Karimnagar MP Bandi Sanjay also strongly reacted to Udayanidhi Stalin’s controversial comments on Sanatana Dharma. He expressed his anger towards the opposition, stating that they are not an alliance of India, but rather an alliance of Italy and India. Sanjay emphasized that the people of the country should not pay attention to what Rahul Gandhi and Udayanidhi say.
Sanjay highlighted that those who have tried to eradicate Sanatana Dharma are now gone. He mentioned historical figures like Aurangzeb and the British who have disappeared. Sanjay also pointed out the suspension of Nupur Sharma and Raja Singh from the party, stating that parties involved in clashes are now silent.
Sanjay brought up Udayanidhi’s grandfather, Karunanidhi, who previously questioned if Rama was an engineer. He criticized Udayanidhi for now saying that he will end Sanatana Dharma. Sanjay called for the I.N.D.I.A alliance, including Sonia Gandhi’s son and Stalin’s son, to clarify their stance on Udayanidhi’s words. He warned that if they do not take a stand, the I.N.D.I.A alliance will be remembered negatively in history.