Youngsters in Hyderabad are swimming in the dirty waters of Musi river after heavy rain. The gates of the Osmansagar and Himayatsagar reservoirs have been opened, causing water to flow towards Jiyaguda, Chaderghat, and Moosarambagh. This has led to a competition among young people to swim in Chaderghat, where the water level is high.
The traffic police have placed barricades on the bridges to prevent vehicles from entering, but there are no restrictions for youngsters entering the river. However, swimming in the fast-flowing river is dangerous and has resulted in the loss of lives in the past.
Rainfall can be unpredictable, especially heavy rain. As a result of recent rain, many colonies, particularly in low-lying areas, have been flooded. Some young people are taking advantage of this by diving into the Musi river. Despite the loss of lives, they continue to put themselves at risk.
Observers have noted that the river water is flowing with force, and those who are diving may drown. Unfortunately, these warnings are not being taken seriously by the young swimmers.
Muzammil Ahmed, an observer, has called for restrictions and barricades near the river to ensure the safety of citizens. Sai Rahul, a commuter at Chaderghat, agrees and believes that the civic body should take action to prevent any accidents.
Authorities should also consider installing warning signboards near the river when the water level is high and flowing rapidly. This suggestion has been made by Akhlaq Ahmed, another commuter.
Social activists have highlighted the pain and grief caused by drowning incidents and the difficulties faced by rescue teams in retrieving bodies stuck in mud. Mohammed Ahmed, an activist, advises against swimming or diving in the river when the water level is at its peak.