The Kaloji Narayan Rao Health University in Hyderabad has extended the deadline for MBBS second batch admissions and the third round of counselling. The university completed the second round of counselling, but the original deadline for joining the college had passed. Health Minister T Harish Rao made the decision to extend the deadline after receiving requests from candidates and parents. He also addressed concerns about the third round of counselling to ensure that meritorious students are not disadvantaged. The Vice Chancellor of the University was directed to extend the deadline until Friday evening for candidates who have been granted MBBS seats in the second round and to provide an opportunity in the third round of counselling. As a result, the university has extended the deadline for college enrolment until tomorrow. Candidates are advised to report to their allotted colleges with the necessary certificates on Friday evening.
Deadline for reporting extended till today for MBBS students in Hyderabad
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