Telangana is seeing a transformation in its villages, thanks to the leadership of Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao. The villages are becoming cleaner and more prosperous. State Education Minister Sabitha Indra Reddy praised the progress made under KCR’s leadership. Several projects were unveiled in the Chevella constituency, including road improvements and construction. MP Ranjith Reddy, MLA Kale Yadaiah, and Sabitha Indra Reddy laid the foundation stones for these projects.
Funds were allocated for road works in Moinabad mandal and construction in Palgutta village. Tractors, trolleys, and tankers were provided to gram panchayats. Nurseries, dumping yards, Vaikunthadhamas, and rural nature forests were established to enhance rural life. Vaikuntha damas were completed across all Gram Panchayats in the State. Rythuvedics were constructed for farmers to provide financial assistance.
The government is dedicated to uplifting Dalit families and increasing pensions for the disabled. Investments have been made to improve transportation infrastructure. Recently, Rs 26 crores were sanctioned for various developmental projects. The government’s initiatives cover education, healthcare, and welfare programmes.
Sabitha Indra Reddy called upon the public to support the government’s pursuit of welfare and progress. Distinguished guests attended the programme, including DCMS Chairman Krishna Reddy and MPP Vijaya Lakshmi Ramana Reddy. The community is dedicated to advancing rural progress and prosperity.