The Telangana High Court has issued notices to the Chief Secretary & Special Chief Secretary (Revenue) and the Chief Commissioner of Land Administration in response to a petition filed by the Telangana Republican Party. The party has challenged an amendment to the Telangana Assigned Lands (POT) Act, 1977, which extends the cut-off date for re-assignment of assigned lands to third parties. The amendment is seen as a violation of the principles of natural justice and the original act. The court will hear the case in two weeks.
The Telangana Republican Party argues that the government’s amendment allows the ownership of assigned lands to be transferred to buyers who purchased the lands before December 31, 2017. The party believes this is unjust and wants the lands re-allotted to the original recipients.
The petitioner claims that the assigned lands were originally allotted to landless poor individuals in order for them to make a living through farming or other related work. However, due to factors such as illiteracy and economic backwardness, the original recipients were unable to benefit from the lands and sold them at low prices to more influential individuals, resulting in significant profits for the buyers.
The petitioner is requesting that the assigned lands be returned to the original recipients and that the government take possession of the lands from the current owners. They argue that the Telangana Assigned Lands (Prohibition of Transfers Amendment) Act, 1977 already prohibits such transfers.
During a land records update, it was discovered that approximately 200,000 acres of assigned lands in the state have been transferred to third parties, with 74,000 acres alone in the former Ranga Reddy district.
The court has adjourned the hearing for two weeks.