DSP Venkateshwarlu, the Deputy Superintendent of Police in Gadwal, conducted a review meeting with police officials from Telangana and Karnataka border sharing districts. The meeting took place at the Basaveswara function hall in Hindupur, Krishna mandal, Narayana pet district. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the establishment of check posts in the border areas for the upcoming Telangana state elections.
During the meeting, DSP Venkateshwarlu emphasized the need for a special plan to prevent any untoward incidents in the border areas before and during the elections. He stressed the importance of setting up check posts 24×7 at the entry and exit points of the border areas to control the supply of liquor and cash. Additionally, measures should be taken to conduct armed checks and implement special surveillance to control the trafficking of drugs, such as Ganja. Strict action should also be taken against criminals.
DSP Venkateshwarlu urged the police officials from both states to coordinate and share information for smooth elections. He advised them to create WhatsApp groups to facilitate communication and sharing of relevant information regarding criminals, road accidents, missing persons, and theft cases.
The meeting was attended by DSP Satya Narayana from Narayanpet, as well as police officers from Kalburgi, Yadgir, and Raichur. Several CIs and SIs were also present.
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