Heavy rainfall has been observed in Hyderabad since Wednesday night. The areas affected by the downpours include Jubilee Hills, Banjara Hills, Kukatpally, Miyapur, Nizampet, Madhapur, Pragatinagar, Patancheru, Kothaguda, Gachibowli, Secunderabad, Mushirabad, Ramnagar, Varasiguda, Adikmet, Jeedimetla, Paradise, Begumpet, Tarnaka, Habsiguda, Nagolu, and Dilsukh Nagar.
In addition to Hyderabad, there has also been rain in many places in Sangareddy and Medak districts. As a result of the heavy rain, traffic disruptions have occurred at various intersections and roads have been flooded. This has caused inconvenience for motorists. According to the Meteorological Department, there is a possibility of light to moderate rains on Thursday and Friday as well.