The core committee meeting of the Odisha BJP unit was recently held in Bhubaneswar. The meeting was chaired by the president of the party, Manmohan Samal, and they discussed the strategy for the upcoming elections. Samal stated that the party has prepared a roadmap for both the Assembly and Lok Sabha elections. The committee decided to focus on highlighting the achievements of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and bringing them to the attention of the people.
One of the decisions made at the meeting was to intensify the ongoing panchayat-level agitation against corruption and expand it to the district level. They also planned to launch an agitation against the inefficiency and stagnation of the State government at various levels. Additionally, the committee discussed ways to strengthen the party organization in the future.
The party announced several upcoming campaigns and events. They will be launching a campaign called ‘Meri Mati Mera Desh’ from September 1 to 15. On September 17, they will start the Biswakarma program to coincide with Prime Minister Modi’s birthday. They will also organize blood donation camps all over the State on September 18. From September 25 to October 2, they will be conducting programs to strengthen the party organization at the grassroots level. Furthermore, on October 2, Gandhi Jayanti day, Swachh Bharat programs will be carried out in each panchayat and block.
Samal mentioned that during the nine-year rule of the Modi-led NDA government, Odisha received financial assistance of Rs 18.83 lakh crore. However, due to massive corruption, these funds were not effectively utilized for developmental works.
The core committee meeting was attended by several prominent figures including Sunil Bansal, who is in charge of the Odisha BJP, national vice president Baijayant Panda, Union minister Dharmendra Pradhan, and Leader of Opposition Jayanarayan Mishra.